Cold Rolling Mill Temperature Measurement
At the cold mill the rolls and strip become heated through the heat of deformation. As the rolls heat they expand. If the middle of the roll heats more than the edge, then thermal crowning occurs, and the strip thickness will vary across the width. Furthermore, if the strip becomes too hot, then it will temper and it will lose its mechanical properties. Finally, the surface finish of the strip is related to the strip temperature. If the strip is too hot when it is rolled, then surface blemishes and pickup may occur.
Cold Rolling Mill Temperature Measurement
Application Overview
Overheating steel as it is rolled affects the mechanical and dimensional properties of the steel and causes surface blemishes. Pyrometers are used to make sure the steel does not get too hot.

Williamson Wavelength Advantage
This can be a difficult measurement due to oil and steam, low emissivity surface and low temperatures. With thoughtful wavelength selection, the Williamson model SW-2A views clearly through oil and steam interferences and minimizes error due to emissivity variation.
Pyrometer Benefits
- Assure Desired Mechanical Properties
- Prevent Surface Blemishes
- Improve Dimensional Variation
Wavelength Technology
- Short-Wavelength (SW) Technology provides +/- 2 to 3°C accuracy
- Williamson’s SW-2A wavelength views clearly through steam and tolerates oil films without interference.