Incinerators, Power Boilers & Kilns
Flame Fired Processes: Incinerators, Power Boilers, Kilns, Thermal Reactors, Industrial Furnaces
Every flame fired process is dictated by the reaction of a fuel in the presence of oxygen or an oxidized environment; this reaction is more commonly known as combustion or more simply burning. Fuels used may be solid, liquid or gaseous and common examples include wood, coal, natural gas and other hydrocarbon variations, biodegradable waste and used tires.
These processes are used to generate electricity, power, or destroy hazardous waste. The presence of a burning flame is the catalyst in these kinds of applications. Therefore close temperature control of the flame is absolutely essential to ensure that these processes are occurring efficiently.
Why Does Wavelength Matter?
Careful attention to wavelength is critical when choosing a pyrometer to monitor any flame fired process. An infrared pyrometer will be sensitive to certain emitters depending upon wavelength. Depending on our area of interest we can choose a wavelength where the flame is opaque (looking at the flame) or a wavelength where the flame is transparent (looking through the flame). This will effectively allow us to eliminate errors associated with making these kind of measurements.
Not Sure Which Wavelength You Need?
Learn more about the importance of thoughtful wavelength selection.