by Kam Olaogun | Jan 10, 2020 | Pyrometer, Temperature Measurment
Non-contact Temperature Measurements Temperature is a critical factor in many processes and must often be measured accurately. Non-contact infrared measurement is often the better alternative for this as compared to physical thermocouple measurements. Temperature... by Kam Olaogun | Dec 30, 2019 | Emissivity, Temperature Measurment
What is Emissivity? Does emissivity change with temperature? In order to answer this question, first we must understand emissivity. Emissivity is the ratio of the energy radiated from a materials surface to that radiated from a perfect emitter. A blackbody is an... by Kam Olaogun | Dec 11, 2019 | Emissivity, Pyrometer, Temperature Measurment, Wavelength
What is Emissivity? Not all surfaces are the same. Depending on what you’re pointing your infrared temperature sensor at you’re likely to get variations in emitted infrared energy. This variation is called emissivity. Emissivity is a measure of a material’s ability to... by Kam Olaogun | Nov 26, 2019 | Pyrometer, Temperature Measurment
A Contact or Non-Contact Approach? Non-contact temperature sensors such as infrared pyrometers are relied upon for their unique ability to monitor temperature and dictate process control in a multitude of manufacturing processes. The non-contact approach offers an... by Kam Olaogun | Nov 13, 2019 | Pyrometer, Temperature Measurment
What is an Infrared Thermometer? Infrared thermometers sometimes called temperature guns, laser thermometers, or pyrometers are non-contact temperature sensors that can be used in a wide range of manufacturing processes to accurately measure the temperature of a given... by Kam Olaogun | Sep 2, 2019 | Aluminum, Temperature Measurment
Whenever we sell a pyrometer to an aluminum mill we start the conversation by telling the customer that the two of us are having an argument, but that we just don’t realize it yet. We then go on to tell them that the way to resolve this argument is to seek the truth....