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The Interface Module (IM) provides a remote human interface with two displays, two analog output signals, two form-C alarms, one TTL alarm, an analog input signal and digital communications capabilities. These human interfaces permit the operator to view measured values, pyrometer settings, and to navigate the setup menu. The IM also includes an AC to DC power supply which provides power to any Williamson Gold or Pro Series pyrometer. The IM is required for connecting a laptop with Williamson ProView software. The two IM displays work as follows:

Interface Module Main Display: (Top LED)

The Enter key is pressed and held to scroll through select measured parameter values. The current output parameter is clearly displayed. The default option is Filtered Temp or Unfiltered Temp. Ratio Pyrometers also include Signal Dilution, Signal Strength, and Single-Wavelength Temp.

Interface Module Functional Display: (Bottom LCD)

The arrow keys are used to scroll through measured parameter values and active pyrometer settings. These include: Filtered or Unfiltered Temp, Average Time, Peak Hold, Emissivity and more Signal Conditioning parameters. Ratio Pyrometers also include Signal Dilution, Signal Strength, and Single-Wavelength Temp.

Interface Module Interchangeability:

When an Interface Module is used, the analog output parameters and the alarm parameters are stored in the Interface Module (IM). It can be used interchangeably – plug and play – with any Williamson Pyrometer.

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